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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  September 12, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PDT

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captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> the president: make no mistakelw, we will work with the libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people. >> president obama condemns the attack on the u.s. emery in libya and promises justice for the four americans -- four americans killed, including the ambassador who grew up in the east bay. ambassador stevens and three others were killed when a mob attacked the united states consulate in benghazi. stevens was raised in piedmont.
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ambassador stevens' body and those of the other victims will be on their way to a u.s. military base in germany before heading home. a marine anti-terrorist team is on the ground providing security. the ambassador is again many that means here and in washington there's mourning. >> as an lamb an -- as-salaam alaikum. my name is chris stevens. >> the piedmont native spent most of his diplomatic career in the arab world with two tours in libya before he was appointed in may. five months after getting the job his life came to a violent and chaotic end when protesters stormed the embassy in benghazi. >> we condemn in the strongest terms, this senseless act of violence. we send our prayers to the families, friends and
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colleagues of those we've lost. >> three other americans died in the attack which was patient fully reaction to an online movie made by a california film maker that in s islam and the prophet mohammed. president obama took to the coast garden7lañu to vow killers would be brought to justice. >> the president: we are working to secure our diplomats and i directed my administration to increase security at our posts around the world. >> ambassador stevens worked as a diplomat in libya in the youtube video he said he looked forward to working with the country's new leadership. former cia officer who spent two decades working in the arab world says america's view of post revolution libya may be a bit naive. >> absolutely, this is foreseeable. for a start everybody in libya is armed. you can get any arms you want. there's a significant group of
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what we call -- which are anti-american, anti-west. >> jihadist movement. mitt romney spoke out today saying the obama administration sent the wrong message by not getting tougher with protesters before things turned violent. the cia agent says the arab spring is far from over and hard to predict how new leaders will view the west. stevens and his co-workers are being mourned, they were doing what they loved. ambassador stevens' bay area roots run deep. amy hollyfield continues our coverage. >> reporter: he graduated from berkeley his colleagues here say they are shocked and devastated. they say he was well liked in libya, was a wonderful ambassador and embodied the berkeley ideal. first let's talk about the
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beginning of his academic career he graduated from piedmont high in 1978 here's a yearbook picture described as being an outstanding student. here's a more current look of him, video as an ambassador posted on youtube. he had been working with professors at berkeley about setting up an academic center in libya and those working with him say this is a huge loss. >> we are shocked. we are saddened. we are a little bit angry. ambassador stevens was someone who was a partner for us. this a.m. bass done knew and understood the libyans. we -- we haven't had close relations with libya for a long time that means there aren't that many libya specialists in this country so
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we've lost one and we can't afford that loss. >> reporter: she said stevens mastered arabic, he was deeply engaged and enthusiastic. after berkeley he went to hastings school of law a professor there says he was not surprised to hear that stevens went in and tried to evacuate his staff from the consulate. >> he went to save his own people. he didn't have to do that he could have sent the marines, staff members to that consulate. he didn't have to go in there. he chose to go in to try and save his people. it seems to me that's the epitome of what chris was all about. >> reporter: stephens stayed in touch with that pro -- stevens stayed in touch with that professor. he said stevens knew when he was in dangerous situations but kept at it, he was devoted to his job. the professors that we spoke with said they are dedicated to making sure that academic center is still established in libya. amy hollyfield, abc7 news.
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government officials in libya are condemning the attack. interim prime minister apologized to the american people and the government for a cowardly criminal act. the leader of the libyan national congress vowed to find those responsible. >> we are gathering information. we are looking at it very closely. are determined to congress and the government to take action on those guys who have murdered innocent people. >> the u.s. defense department has dispatched two marine anti-terrorist teams to libya to reinforce security at the embassy. stay with abc7 news for continuing coverage i am diane sawyer will have --. diane sawyer will have more tonight at 5:30. dignataries and first responders from around the country will attend tomorrow's funeral service for highway patrol officer kenyon
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youngstrom he was shot during a traffic stop last week. his family donated his organs. we are learning more. a 29-year-old bay area mother got one of his kidneys and pancreas. a 52-year-old woman received his other kidney she was on the waiting list 10 years. a 63-year-old woman received his liver. a man married with four children in southern california received youngstrom's heart. the officer's funeral is tomorrow. abc7 news will have full coverage. early morning duplex fire in alameda was a close call for more than a dozen residents in the building. [ inaudible ] >> we believe the fire started on the outside of the bidding to the rear downstairs first floor traveled to the second
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floor went in the building and attic. >> the red cross is helping 15 people displaced by that fire. another big product unveiling for apple. what apple officials are saying this morning about the all new iphone 5. later what mcdonald's plans to do to make sure you know what you are getting when
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terry mcsweeney is live at the yerba buena center with what makes this iphone different. >> reporter: apparently, a lot according to apple, lots and lots of new things ceo tim cook walked out on stage 10:00 this morning and said folks i have cool stuff to show you and unveiled the apple iphone 5. take a look as they presented it on the big . made of glass and aluminum. front can come in black or white, 18% thinner, 20% lighter, bigger screen, 4 instead of 3 1/2 so you can display for app icons larger views of e-mails and websites, 4g, high speed connectivity sprint and verizon will carry
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it, new chip, loading photos and music much faster. >> hardware and software engineering that has gone into this product is the most challenging our team has ever taken on. what they've accomplished is sim blazing. -- simply amazing. >> reporter: good news for gamers, two times faster graphics and console quality graphics, better battery, 8 mega pixel camera panorama photos, three microphones for better sound, maps in 3-d not google, apple. voice dictated postings via siri to facebook, $200 to $400 depending on the store preorder starts day after tomorrow, they start shipping september 21st. all of this the specs out of today's announcement, is it
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enough to drive apple and phone fans crazy enough to buy in? we'll find out from news, business and technology reporter david louie at 4, 5 and 6:00. terry mcsweeney, abc7 news. >> a lot of fans are going to buy those they will be lining up. thinner, lighter, are we tacking about today's clouds or what? >> still out there, but starting to break up. flight arrival delays into sfo, 53 minutes should end shortly as clouds are breaking up. we'll show you where the warmest weather is going to be. later, golf legend arnold palmer receives one of the highest awards
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abc news is working to help people find jobs in the bay area co-sponsoring a hire evented if in san francisco the free job fair gets underway in less than an hour at the hotel wickham on market street. more than 300 jobs are
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available go to today a manager at the iowa egg farm linked to a nationwide salmonella outbreak is expected to plead guilty for trying to bribe a government inspector to allow the sale of unsave eggs. a prosecutor says he authorized an employee to offer a $300,000 bribe or is that $300? we'll check to the u.s. depth of agriculture inspector to approve sale of eggs that did not meet standards the outbreak sickened thousands and lead to the recall of 500 million eggs. next week mcdonald's will post calorie counts on menus across the country. it is required in california. as it tests healthier items, the company is test ago egg mcmuffin made with egg whites and whole grain muffin, more
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fruits and vegetables. >> when we see men you items the information does affect our ordering. >> especially calorie count and the fat. egg whites and whole grains. >> that sounds good. >> what are you serving up mike. >> you two will be first in line? >> yeah. >> you hear that crew they are buying for us. i'm kidding. it does sound good. go out today and get a little exercise in while you are thinking about eating healthy, good morning, clouds this morning are dissipating rapidly except for here as you look from mount tamalpais through the golden gate bridge towards parts of the east bay you can see from our south beach camera to the east clouds are breaking up now over the bay area looks like a little sun at the coast this afternoon. a little mist this morning, clouds were a little lower to the group than the last couple of mornings nothing falling from them then and nothing now. you can see most clouds to the
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coast now even some sunshine breaking through still in the 50s where the clouds have been thickest north bay and around the bay for oakland, san francisco to half moon bay everybody else in the 60s and 70s. monterey bay, sunshine break out low to mid 60s as you head inland. sunny every where except the coast pockets of sunshine, close to average, warmest afternoons tomorrow and friday, slow cooling trend saturday, sunday, monday. pretty close to average warmest inland livermore going to be four degrees warmer than normal, napa, san jose the same everybody else one to three degrees cooler from the bay towards san francisco and coast. south bay 79 milpitas, 87 los gatos. mid to upper 70s millbrae, san mateo, 80s the rest of the peninsula. coast mid 60s this afternoon. 70 downtown south san francisco and sausalito,
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20° spread between mid 60s beaches north bay and low to mid 80s in valleys. berkeley 72. most of us in the mid to upper 70s. east bay valleys mid 80s to antioch and brentwood 90 with fairfield, 65 monterey, 63 carmel. watsonville and santa cruz low to mid 70s. tonight temperatures 50s once again, maybe 49 santa rosa with a little fog developing. check out the afternoon sun los angeles 81, san diego 77, palm springs 100. no more flooding rains in southern california mid to upper 90s through the central valley upstairs and to our north budging area of high pressure pushing -- bulging area of high pressure pushing
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through, any time that high starts to develop we get a little warmer not going to get an offshore breeze so the warmest weather inland we'll see more pockets of sun along the coast today, tomorrow, friday. warmth will peak at coast tomorrow upper 60s taper to near 60 monday, max out in the mid 80s around the bay thursday, friday mid 90s inland temperatures drop slowly saturday, sunday, level off monday, tuesday with morning clouds and afternoon sunshine. >> we checked on that figure for the bribe amount for the egg farm, it was just $300, petty cash. listen to this, co-captain of harvard basketball team has chosen to withdraw from school in the latest fall-out from the cheating scandal. senior co-captain kyle casey
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will miss the entire season. the other co-captain senior guard brandon curry also up kated but has yet to decide if he will withdraw. dozens of students are being investigated for kpaoeting on a take home final exam last spring. the students may have shared answers or plagiarized the exam. golf legend arnold palmer received one of america's highest awards on capitol hill this morning. leaders from both parties honored palmer with a congressional gold medal he won mass first four times between 1958 and '64 also golf's goodwill ambassador. >> golf and golfers some sort human values that symbolize so many americans. such characteristics as honesty, hard work, dedication, responsibility, respect for the other guy, playing by the
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rules. [ applause ] >> palmer is the sixth athlete to get this award. others include jackie robinson and roberto clemente. joe louis and byron nelson also received the presidential medal of freedom from president george w. bush in 2004. just ahead, pretty incredible. >> four-legged robots designed by the defense department for a special purpose.
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>> katie's premiere week continues. here's katie. hey there! today she a model, mogul and
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opening up for the first time about a painful divorce. heidi klum her first interview since her split. fornicating with the help. candid and revealing. >> i've never looked at another man. >> but you in a relationship right now? >> don't miss my conversation with heidi klum. i'll see you later today. >> katie is part of the new around line-up starts at 1 co-clock with general hospital. who wants to be a millionaire 2, jeopardy 2:30.su7u÷&c%% hhen katie at 3:00. and abc7 news at 4. we are approaching the six month anniversary of the disappearance of sierra lamar. we'll take you live to show how is joining the search crews today. >> then the discovery uncovered at a san francisco construction site. those stories and more later today on abc7 news at 4 and 5.
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robot unlike any you've ever seen. >> video from the u.s. department of defense, robot -- [ unintelligible ] dine today climb through rough terrain without wheels. >> make less noise and better climbing ability than the earlier models. >> they can haul up to 400 pounds and follow verbal and visual commands. they can also right themselves if they topple over. >> i think they are doing better than we are. >>. thanks for joining us. >> who wants to be
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